About Be A Hero
Our Story
Be A Hero fights for health justice for all by organizing people across the country who have been harmed by our broken healthcare system. Founded in 2018 by Ady Barkan and Liz Jaff and now led by Jamila Headley, Be A Hero works to advance the idea that healthcare is a human right that should be guaranteed to all. We have activated hundreds of thousands of people to shift the political debate on healthcare in America and create new windows of opportunity for transformational change.

About the Be A Hero Team
The Be A Hero team is a group of committed organizers, strategists, and activists fighting for a more just healthcare system in the United States. Be A Hero is led by Executive Director Jamila Headley, a disabled activist and movement leader who has experienced firsthand the pain caused by America’s broken healthcare system and is dedicated to shaping a health system that puts people over profit and guarantees care to all.
Our Work
Here in the richest country in the world, and everywhere, we believe health care should be a human right. Everyone should have the care they need, no matter who they are, where they live, what job they have or whether they have a job at all. Our team takes on critical fights to transform America’s healthcare system so that it guarantees all of us the care and dignity we deserve.
Past ProjectsExpanding access to home and community-based services
Be A Hero fights for expanded access to home and community based services by telling the stories of seniors and people with disabilities who, like Ady, rely on home care to live with dignity and respect at home with their loved ones.
We’re taking powerful stories directly to decision-makers, through a grassroots advocacy campaign backed by a multi-state advertising strategy, to demand that Congress act to fully fund home and community based services.
Reclaiming Medicare From Corporate Greed
Medicare Advantage is an existential threat to Medicare and to the promise of public health care overall. Corporate insurance companies are profiteering off Medicare while wrongly delaying and denying care for many seniors and people with disabilities who rely on the program.
We’re exposing the harms caused by Medicare disAdvantage plans by lifting up the stories of people whose care was denied or delayed by for-profit insurers. Together, we’re organizing individuals across the country to take action demanding regulators and elected officials curb insurance companies’ rampant profiteering at the expense of patient care so that seniors and people with disabilities receive the care they deserve.
Join Us In The Fight
Together, we can make America’s broken health care system more just, equitable, and humane. But in order to win, we must build a powerful movement – and we can’t do it without you. Join our fight today.